The Emergency Department at Hendricks Regional Health’s Danville Hospital was designated the state’s first “Pediatric Ready” emergency department (non-Children’s Hospital).
“Lifesteps has a big impact on our community,” said Kaitie Delgado, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, ACSM-CPT, HRH Registered Dietitian. “It gets a lot of attention for weight loss, but it’s really about encouraging small changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle. For example, participants learn stress management behaviors and tips for handling high-risk eating situations.”
Natalie Rinehart, RN, has worked for HRH’s Emergency Department for 21 years. Seven years ago, she was asked if she would be interested in obtaining special training to help survivors of sexual assault. Intrigued by what it entailed, Natalie agreed. “Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) provide medical treatment to survivors of sexual assault,” said Natalie….