When asked if he could snap his fingers and land someplace where it would be, Dr. Luke Wren, DO, of Avon Family Health, had a ready answer. He’d play a round (or as many as he could) at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, home to the annual Masters Tournament. He’s grateful to…
“Lifesteps has a big impact on our community,” said Kaitie Delgado, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, ACSM-CPT, HRH Registered Dietitian. “It gets a lot of attention for weight loss, but it’s really about encouraging small changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle. For example, participants learn stress management behaviors and tips for handling high-risk eating situations.”
Julie Truran, Clinical Manager – Pediatric Unit In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended the Back-to-Sleep campaign to encourage parents to place their infants on their backs to sleep. Since then, the rate of infant sleep-related deaths has declined more than 50 percent. However, sleep-related infant deaths still claim more than 3,500 lives…